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Over 70 used car dealers in Penang unable to obtain PBT licences

Federation of Motor Companies and Credit Associations Malaysia's President Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon points out, there are more than 70 used car dealers in Penang that are unable to obtain PBT licences issued by the Penang Island City Council, resulting in them unable to operate with a peace of mind.

Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon who is also the President of Penang and Province Wellesley Used Cars Autocycle Dealers & Motor Financiers Association, said that this problem has existed for a long time, and one of the reasons that the city council denies to issue these PBT licences is that the premises of used car dealers are unsuitable for business operations.

Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon together with the members of Penang and Province Wellesley Used Cars Autocycle Dealers & Motor Financiers Association contacted the Penang Police Force, and the discussion was hosted by Penang police chief Datuk Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain, with Northeast police chief Assistant Commissioner Soffian Santong and others attending.

Left: Penang police chief Datuk Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain; Center: FMCCAM President Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon; Right: Northeast police chief Assistant Commissioner Soffian Santong

He pointed out that, used car dealers not only have to obtain PBT licences from the city council, but also have to apply for used car dealings licences from the police force.

"The police force uses the PBT licence issued by the city council as a reference, to support them issuing licences to used car dealers, so this matter will also influence these used car dealers unable to to obtain licences from the police force."

He claims that, their association has 73 used car dealer members in Penang, and currently most of them are unable to get their PBT licence application approved by the city council.

Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon explains that many of their members have been operating for over 10 years, with some even having operated for 30 years.

He said that, typical used car dealers like to operate their businesses at roadsides or at a obvious location, where there is sufficient space for them to display their vehicles, so that they can get more exposure to onlookers, attracting their interest and sales.

But he said that, golden locations in Penang are scarce, finding a business premises is already hard enough, and for used car dealers to find a location suitable for their operations is even harder, so they hope that the city council can take their hardships into consideration.

Dato' Tony Khor Chong Boon said that, after going through this discussion, the matter retaining to the police force not issuing licences to used car dealers has been resolved, and they are only stuck at the city council not issuing PBT licences.

He added that, the association has previously discussed this issue with the Penang Island City Council, and will organize another discussion with them in the near future, hoping to completely resolve this issue.



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